Chronically Fabulous · Fashion · Femme · Honest Beauty

Thoughts on Body Confidence

Body confidence is something I think we all struggle with, we all have our ups and our downs. I don’t believe there is such a thing as the ‘genetic lottery’ (says the girl with the genetic disability!)- someone could be the ideal picture of what is considered attractive and still have issues with the way they look and equally, someone else can have a part of their body that is off-putting to others but genuinely doesn’t bother them.

I have a double scoliosis; that’s a double curvature of the spine. A 45 degree angle at the top and a 45 degree angle at the bottom. My ribs at the top go one way and at the bottom go another way. The right side of my body has a little waist and then lots of muscle at the shoulder and the left is just straight down so it has to carry all of my upper weight at the waist and has a lot of muscle here.

It really does hurt as much as it sounds. I take huge amounts of painkillers daily. Sometimes it feels like I have hot pokers being stabbed between my vertebra and then wrenched. Mainly it’s just a general ache similar to dropping a huge book on your foot.

If I were to have my spine straightened the operation would mean breaking all of my ribs at the front and the back, screwing a metal rod to my spine and then attaching each rib to that rod again.

As tempting as it is to become the female Wolverine… I genuinely don’t care enough to do something about it. I have bigger issues: my hair is naturally straight.

And not just a little straight. Really, really, straight. Now that bothers me.

I will happily walk around in just a bikini top, anyone can see my bent spine and lumpy muscly bits sure, whatever. But please don’t do a close up of my teeth!

I also had a mini stroke and now can’t feel the left side of my face plus it moves very slowly. That one sided little smirk? This is paralysis, I’m not actually flirting with you… or am I?

The point is, we all have body issues and no one really cares about yours, they’re too busy thinking about their own. Choose one part of your body that you can control- your hair for example- and channel all of your issues into that.

World peace. Solved.


Chronically Fabulous · Femme

Chronically Fabulous: What is Brain Fog?

Hello lovelies! Today we are talking about brain fog. What is brain fog? As you may know, I have a body that can only be described as ‘special’. I have a hereditary neurological condition (that’s nerves) mixed with a connective tissue disorder (that’s the ligaments and muscles a.k.a squishy bits that hold your bones together). This means I can easily dislocate and paralyse parts of my body… pretty randomly.

Bonus symptoms include being blind in one eye, deaf and having chronic fatigue syndrome. Which doesn’t just mean being ‘tired’ all the time. No, it’s more than that. ‘Brain Fog’ is a phrase used to sum up the confusion, forgetfulness, lack of focus and loss of mental clarity that comes with many chronic illnesses. After all, if your body is constantly fighting to get better you don’t have a great ability to do much else.

I like to describe it as ‘one’s brain is full of treacle’ (Poshest Thing Ever) so it takes a long time for a thought to reach the surface. When you’re foggy not only is it difficult for things to come in- like you can read a line over and over again but get no idea of it’s meaning…or someone asks you a question and you’re so confused/sure you’re about to mess up that you just cry…

So, taking in information is hard but equally putting it out is difficult! From getting lost halfway through a sentence… To just being unable to get the words out. Plus- how do you get dressed if you can’t remember where your clothes are or even WHAT they are? When you’re unable to call up the energy to process or do simple things it can be incredibly distressing. But, it gets better. Here I am, two days later.

If someone near you is in that state, just be patient, give them some time. Keep them warm, safe and fed and don’t ask anything. No: “blue cup/red cup?”

just give them a cup.